Chronic pain during peri-menopause: an ethnographic study

About the study

Researchers from University College London are looking for participants for a study of the experience of pain (particularly chronic/long-term pain conditions) in women during the menopause years.


Long-term pain conditions are more common in women and there is some evidence that the menopause may contribute to this, although the mechanisms are as yet poorly understood. 

The aim of the study is to increase the understanding of the experiences of women during the menopause years and identify possible overlaps between menopause and pain in order to influence health services to support women adequately during this time.


Study participants will take part in interviews with the study researcher to share their health experience during the menopause years, and considerations about how menopause and pain relate to other aspects of people’s life. Interviews can either be in-person (London and South East) or online.

Please email Catherine Borra (doctoral student and study coordinator) for more information and instructions on how to join. Alternatively, you can contact the principal investigator, Prof Sahra Gibbon


This study is part of Catherine Borra’s doctoral research. It has gained ethical approval from the University College London Research Ethics Committee, application number 25249/001.
